Sex. Life. Love.

My name is Jessica Rabbit (more on that later) and I am a recently divorced 40 something with a lot to say. Trust me when I say you’re going to want to hear this so, grab yo kids, grab yo wife, grab yo husband cuz we gonna discuss everything up in here. Ok, actually, don’t let your kids read this because it’s going to be R rated and if I do it right, rated N for nasty. 

Memes Are Life

Memes are like music; they hold all the answers to life’s biggest challenges.

Welcome to my nonsense!

Me, me, me

Let’s talk about me!
Like I said above, I’m recently divorced and being practically 100 years old like I am, it’s super fucking weird to be an online dater all of a sudden. I married my high school sweetheart and now that our love has run it’s course, I am single and dating for the first time in my life. 

For as long as I can remember my life has been defined by WHAT I am. I am a parent, a daughter, a sister, a niece, a friend. I am an employee, a coworker, a car owner, a home coordinator.  I am a dog momma, artist, flower farmer, and a Joanna Gaines wanna be. I was a wife and a lover. And now I am divorced.

Now that I have I survived the loss of what I once was, the only person I’ve known myself to be in my adult life, I am ready to make my life about WHO I am. 

I happen to be many, many things. I am intelligent but spacey, organized but messy. I am careless but careful, spontaneous but planned, adventurous but cautious. I am wild but down to earth. I am cool but clumsy, energetic but lazy, needy but independent. I am generous but selfish and I’m a lover and a fighter.

I’m a little bit hippie and little bit hood, a little country and a little rock ‘n’ roll.

I am The Debater, ENTP-A. I am a Leo. I am the color yellow. I AM ME.

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I cannot be held responsible for what may come out of my mouth. Ok, I probably can but I refuse to let that stop me. I do not own some of this content. None of my posts are based on scientific theory or backed by any more research than the COVID vaccine was prior to it’s release into our bloodstreams. I do not have a psychology degree, although after reading on I’m sure you’ll agree that I should be given one. These are my thoughts, observations and opinions. I have developed them solely by listening, watching, analyzing and dissecting. There will be cuss words. Things will get dirty, maybe even nasty. There will be open, sexual discussions, provocative pictures, insensitive material and humor. If you are a whiny baby or a kill joy now is your chance to turn back.

You have been warned. 

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This one’s for the boys…

Yes, gentleman you freaking weirdos, this is a blog, with words, for the purpose of reading. This is not just a website that supplies you unlimited access to pictures’ of me, that you can drool over before you go to bed every night. Read the blog. Read it! 

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It’s been a year. And what a year it’s been.

When I first started this blog in August of 2021, I had no idea how important it would become to me. Over this year I have lived, loved and done a lot of fucking eye rolling. I hope that you have laughed at my expense, done some soul searching of your own, and given thought and consideration to the gaps in your relationships. I hope you have learned from my mistakes, shared my stories with your girlfriends and  used the witty titles that my brain vomited onto the pages as conversation starters with your partners.

This blog has provided me with some much needed comedic relief, acted as a journal of sorts and in turn, virtually free therapy, given me a platform to share some self-proclaimed lifesaving advice, served as a way to document my personal journey, and most of all given a very necessary creative release to an artist.

A year later and I would still describe my current dating life as a mix between a romantic comedy, mystery, drama, horror, action adventure, suspense, and psychological thriller. There’s not a day that goes by that I do not learn something new about sex, life and love.

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